
The Civic Society of Great Yarmouth was founded to develop civic pride in the town. Our aims are not just about pride in the town’s buildings and architecture, but also in its environment, its cleanliness, the first impressions that visitors have when they arrive and its new developments.

The society wants to hear about the town’s good and bad points from the people who live and work there. What does it do well? Where could improvements be made? How can it be made a more welcoming place and boost the local economy.

Great Yarmouth has a rich heritage, a vibrancy, and a very high potential.

We hope that by bringing people together to help improve our town, that potential can be achieved.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Here you can find digital copies of our Annual Report, Regeneration Report and many other pieces of information about what we do. If you would like to find something out that is not listed on our website, please get in touch with us via our contact page.

Best wishes,
Hugh Sturzaker MBE
Chair of The Civic Society of Great Yarmouth 
